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Stand For Something

About us

Welcome to YEDIBE

"YEDIBE" is a social commentary media platform owned by Mthokozisi Khulubuse Yende and Tshepiso Sedibe that seeks to foster discussions and call forth the youth to go beyond the comment section and half-sentence snarky comments on social media. Let us separate the wheat from the chaff, shall we?

Our fundamental objective is to broaden the commentary sphere and give in-depth analysis on the direction which the South African ship is headed, and maybe hijack the helmsman if we must. We are merchants in a chaotic land of thought attempting to fish out the truth through commentaries on the South African zeitgeist.

What is the difference between YEDIBE and a regular South African podcast or webcast? YEDIBE believes that when you stand for nothing, you fall for anything. YEDIBE is not a neutral platform, neutrality does not exist in the battleground of what is true, good and beautiful. We refuse to bring a knife into a gun fight. Our cultural commentaries will be founded on the fact that South Africa is a Christian nation. Therefore, our standard of what is true, good and beautiful will be measured and interpreted on the bases of the African and Christian traditions.

We firmly uphold our commentaries; apologies will only be handed out where they are due. Our presence is not solely to extinguish fires set by the sensationalists, but we also brought our very own YEDIBE-branded arsonists. South Africa is in no short supply on intellectual arsonists. The founders of YEDIBE have found that these thinkers are, either in hiding, or worse, South African public consciousness has forced them into hiding.

In the words of Benjamin Franklin, "A well done is better than a well said." To write is to think, we would be remised to negate the value in thoughts and words. When we properly align our thoughts, we properly align our ideas. YEDIBE seeks to facilitate rigorous thought and grant a soapbox for brilliant minds to share their perspectives and adopt some of others.